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R语言 今日: 0|主题: 18|排名: 6 

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Generate fractal time series with non-normal returns distribution attachment admin 2022-4-6 0695 admin 2022-4-6 18:33
Survival Analysis for Cohorts with Missing Covariate Information attachment admin 2022-4-2 0677 admin 2022-4-2 18:10
Genetic algorithms and C-steps based Least Trimmed Squares estimation attachment admin 2022-4-2 0655 admin 2022-4-2 18:09
Extra functions to cut, label and colour dendrogram clusters attachment admin 2022-4-2 0681 admin 2022-4-2 18:08
Bead filtering for Illumina bead arrays attachment admin 2022-4-2 0666 admin 2022-4-2 18:06
Visualisation, verification and calibration of ternary probabilistic forecasts attachment admin 2022-4-2 0649 admin 2022-4-2 18:05
Computes phylogenetic eigenvectors regression and phylogenetic signal-represe... attachment admin 2022-4-2 0663 admin 2022-4-2 18:03
iPACOSE, PACOSE and other methods for covariance selection attachment admin 2022-4-2 0685 admin 2022-4-2 18:02
R语言 连续分布 attachment admin 2022-4-2 0686 admin 2022-4-2 18:00
Bayesian Essentials with R 书籍代码 attachment admin 2022-4-2 0671 admin 2022-4-2 17:58
Signal processing toolbox in R attachment admin 2022-4-1 0639 admin 2022-4-1 11:22
Fitting routines for the Vitality family of mortality models attachment admin 2022-4-1 0609 admin 2022-4-1 11:21
Generalized ensemble methods attachment admin 2022-3-31 0596 admin 2022-3-31 22:33
Multivariate Normality Tests attachment admin 2022-3-31 0638 admin 2022-3-31 22:28
C-statistics for risk prediction models with censored survival data attachment admin 2022-3-31 0612 admin 2022-3-31 22:25
The Poisson Binomial Distribution attachment admin 2022-3-31 0623 admin 2022-3-31 22:22
Maximum Likelihood Inference for the Pearson VII Distribution attachment admin 2022-3-31 0605 admin 2022-3-31 22:20
Nonparametric monotone regression attachment admin 2022-3-31 0581 admin 2022-3-31 22:18


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